This cigar humidor comes with a matching cigar case, embeded on the lid.
Double Happiness wating to share its hidden treasures.
Top view of the Double Happiness cigar humidor, with embeded cigar case on the lid.
Double Happiness is a Chinese ligature
"囍" composed of 2 Chinese characters 喜.
A stylized version of this ligature in bronze metal is part of the exterior. This round shaped humidor, the symbol for infinity, is lacquer coated, and perfectly harmonzies
with the bronze "囍" (Double Happiness) symbol.
On the top of the humidor, a smaller cigar case for three cigars is embeded into the lid. The case becomes a travel companion, whenever the owner decides to enjoy cigars away from home. Gently lift and detach the case and part of your favourite humidor will be always with you.